Ludomusicology 2017

I’m very much looking forward to attending the 2017 Ludomusicology (video game music studies) conference at Bath Spa University next week. I’ll be presenting a paper on my piece ‘Construction in Metal’, which I’ll then be performing with my colleague Máté Szigeti as part of a joint concert with OUT-TAKE Ensemble and composers from Bath Spa. In addition to ‘Construction’, we’ll be performing works by my OUT-TAKE colleague Harry Matthews, James Saunders, Louis D’Heudieres and Oogoo Maia, and Blake Troise (aka PROTODOME) will perform a compilation of chiptune compositions for the NES. I’m also looking forward to hearing a new piece by my PhD supervisor Benjamin Oliver and many stimulating papers over the course of the three days of the conference.

Conference in Bowling Green OH

At the end of March, I travelled to the USA for the first time, to take part in the Electric Guitar in Popular Culture conference at Bowling Green State University, Ohio. I presented my paper on Tristan Murail’s Vampyr!, gaining valuable feedback as I prepare it for publication, and heard many fascinating papers.

I wrote a post about my experiences for the Southampton University music department blog (I am grateful to the Faculty of Humanities and AHRC for helping fund my travel expenses):